Erik Spiekermann Putting back the face into typeface

Typographer, graphic designer and businessman Erik Spiekermann has created timeless, influential and, yes, Meta-physical work over the past three decades.

Next to founding MetaDesign and FontShop, the latter being the first ever digital distributor of fonts, and designing more instant classic typefaces than any other, he has been recognized as an outstanding expert internationally.

Listen to the design genius talk about new visual languages, design processes, the analogies of music and typography, and why we need better client culture in our latest video and you will easily realize why. Before heading to new visionary pastures, the bike enthusiast will make a short stop to receive the German Design Lifetime Achievement Award 2011 in February.

Motion-Design: City

City nennt sich der offizielle Trailer des European Short Film Festival 2010 von Simon Reichenbach.

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In the trailer „city“ you can see different houses and monuments developing over time and which are charakteristik for europe. As the city is completed a flock of zeros flying across the city. the camera is following the zeros and flys through a lense of a videocamera which end in creating the logo on the horizon. the fly through the lense stands for a different, and changed view of the world/europe.

It’s the winner in the MIT „European Short Film Festival“ Trailer-Competition

awarded with the golden beeber

Directed by Simon Reichenbach (

Texturing: Skarlett Rhöner, Simon Reichenbach
3D Modelling, Animation: Simon Reichenbach
Sounddesign, Music: Robin Leo Knauth, Simon Konrad
Editing, Post Production: Simon Reichenbach

tdc intro – Motion-Design ausgezeichnet!

Vergangenen Dezember hat der Type Directors Club New York sich endlich dazu entschieden, den immer stärker wachsenden, aber vor allem sehr lang etablierten Bereich des Bewegtbilds auszuzeichnen. So wird es dieses Jahr zum ersten Mal entsprechende Auszeichnungen des TDC für Motion-Design aus den Bereichen Film , Fernsehen, Online und Live geben. Diese werden aber nicht wie bereits in einigen der lezten TDC Jahrbücher geschehen, zusätzlich präsentiert, sondern erhalten ihr eigenes Forum – tdc intro.

tdc intro Logo

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