Microsoft veranstaltet seit dem Jahre 2006 den Creative Award (Microsoft Advertising Awards). Dieses Jahr hat man sich wohl dazu entschieden ein echtes Logo für diesen Wettbewerb zu gestalten. Erfreulicherweise handelt es sich hierbei um ein rein typografisches, das nur durch die Silhouette einer Mouse einen Hauch von Illustration erhält.
Der Brand New Blog schreibt dazu folgendes:
If you’ve never heard of the [deep breath] Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions Creative Awards it may most likely be because — if you reside in the U.S. like yours truly — it’s a European competition, or because it’s only two years-old, or, possibly, because its six-word-long name is downright forgettable, if not obnoxious — or maybe, by default, you just stop reading anything after the word „Microsoft“. Also, the criteria for entering is somewhat limiting: Advertising that appeared only in a Microsoft-run web site like MSN or XBOX Live. The one uptick to these awards is that the first-prize winners in each category get automatically entered into the Cannes Cyber Lions competition — a big deal if there ever was one. Seeing that a coveted „Lion“ award was the ultimate bait, Brand Guardians and johnson banks (who are the firm responsible for the playful identity), focused on fauna-influenced naming and arrived at „Mouse“ as a better, catchier and more memorable name for these awards.
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